
Showing posts from January, 2017

KCF 2007

Introduction            After the formation of NCERT in 1961, Kerala has been following all the curriculum reform efforts initiated at the national level. For instance, the state initiated the process for reforming its curriculum following the national curriculum framework 1975. The state also took steps to implement NPE 1986 and the programme of action. It was in 1997, that an effort for the formulation of a comprehensive curriculum focusing on the process of teaching and learning was attempted in Kerala. Rooted in the emerging methodology and strategies, an integrated method of learning, a process oriented activity based approach, viewing learner as a constructer of knowledge, recognizing the role of society in knowledge construction and idea of continues and comprehensive evaluation came into effect. However the state’s curriculum reform effort gained further impetus with the formulation of NCF 2005. NCF 2005 and the position ...

National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)

The  National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)  is one of the four National Curriculum Frameworks published in 1975, 1988, 2000 and 2005 by the National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT in India. The executive had taken the decision at its meeting head on 14th and 19th July 2004 to revise the national curriculum framework for A.Padmalatha who is in pursuit of completing her M.Ed The Framework provides the framework for making syllabii,textbooks and teaching practices within the school education programmes in India. The NCF 2005. document draws its policy basis from earlier government reports on education as Learning Without Burdenand National Policy of Education 1986-1992 and focus group discussion. After wide ranging deliberations 21 National Focus Group Position Papers have been developed under the aegis of NCF-2005. The state of art position papers provided inputs for formulation of NCF-2005. The document and its offshoot ...