
Showing posts from March, 2017


In the second semester as the part of works in the subject,Techno-Pedagogic Content Knowledge Analysis: English(EDU-10), in group practicum we  had developed, enacted and recorded one video script based on a theme; "PTA meeting in a school".8 of us from our class had been selected to enacted the script.

Teacher is a techno pedagogue

INTROUCTION The term “pedagogue” is derived from two Greek words pais, paidos meaning boy and agogos meaning guide which together connotes a teacher. Thus pedagogic implies the science of teching.By pedagogic analysis we mean a logical and systematic breakup of the curriculum from the point of view of a pedagogue [teacher] for the purpose of its effective transaction. Techno pedagogy is a key deciding factor in while an educational media product is a successful or not. Literally ‘pedagogy’ refers to art, the art skill handcrafting, derived from the Latin texere [to weave or fabricate].Here techno is a qualifier; it intersects or crosses the meaning of ‘pedagogy’ with its own. Techno pedagogy refers to the techniques of the craft of teaching into the learning environment itself. It requires conscious recognition of the mediated learning environment in order to maximize the ease and clarity in the transmission of information. Technology in professional development is a comple...