About My School...
KPMHSS Cheriyavelinalloor is a Upper Primary with Secondary and Higher Secondary School in Velinalloor Village of Veliyam. The school is located at Kollam district. It was established in the year 1956 and the school management is Pvt. Aided. It's a Malayalam Medium - Co-educational school. Kpm Hss Cheriyavelinalloor has it's own (private) building. The school has total 16 classrooms. The lowest Class is 5 and the highest class in the school is 12. This school has 16 Male Teachers and 48 Female Teachers. There is a library facility available in this school and the total number of books in library is about 6350.the medium of instruction is both Malayalam and English. This school also has a playground. Kpm Hss Cheriyavelinalloor does not provide any residential facility. The school also provides meal facility and meal is prepared in school.