8th Week @ School

this was the first week in the new year. Classes started on 1st of January 2018.With new hope the New YEAR was started.

As my portion was already completed before the exam itself, I had used these days by doing other works. I had taken Yoga and health class. Another day I had done the innovative lesson with the 9th A students. They liked both the flash card-Vocabulary activity and the role-play Modal activity. There was class on Saturday as a compensatory class for 2/1/2018 (Mannam Jayanthi).There was a small programme organised in my class. My students gave me a beautiful statue. I bid Good Bye to all of them. It was so painful to leave the school. I promised them that I would come again to meet them.We went and met all the teachers and expressed our gratitude for their help and support. They also gave us some valuable advises from their experience. We also met the Head Master and said good bye. It was so painful to leave the school. We left the school so sadly.


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