Choose the correct answer. All questions carry one mark each
1. What is the focus of CBLT (Competency Based Language Teaching)
A.    Mastery on language accuracy
B.     Mastery on language usage
C.     Mastery on language structure
D.    Mastery on language comprehension
Ans: B
2. In NLP _____________stands for ‘patterns of how we organize thoughts and ideas’?
A.    Programming
B.     Neuro
C.     Linguistic
D.    Nervous System
3.Which language approach focuses on teaching children to read by recognizing words as a whole.
A.    Notional –Functional  Approach
B.     Whole –language Approach
C.     Integrated Approach
D.    Natural Approach
4.In M-Learning ‘M’ stands for
A.    Multimedia
B.     Music
C.     Multilanguage
D.    Mobile
Ans: D
5. Learning two languages as “First languages” is called___________
A.    consecutive bilingualism
B.     simultaneous bilingualism
C.     bilingualism
D.    receptive bilingualism
E.     Ans: B
6. Which of the following emphasize that children should focus on meaning and strategy instruction?
A.    SOS Approach
B.     Integrated Approach
C.     Whole Language APPROACH
D.    Natural Approach
Ans: C
7.Who I sone of the proponent of Neuro- Linguistic Programming  ?
A.    John Grinder
B.     Roger
C.     Watson
D.    John Dewey
Ans: A
8. What is the full form of CBLT
A.    Computer Based Language Teaching
B.     Community Based Language Teaching
C.     Competency Based Language  Teaching
D.    Communication Based Language Teaching
Ans: C
9.  The three-language formula for language learning was formulated in ________
A.    1968
B.     1948
C.     1979
D.    1983
a.      Ans: A
10. What is the full form of IELTS ?
A.    International English Language Teaching System
B.     International English Language Testing System
C.     International English Language Talking System
D.    International English Language Tuning System
                                                              i.      Ans: B
11. Which evaluation is done by the teacher during the instruction?
A.    Summative Evaluation
B.     Portfolio Evaluation
C.     Formative Evaluation
D.    Product Evaluation
Ans: C
12. Which one among the following is a Humanistic Approach ?
A.    Suggestopedia
B.     SOS Approach
C.     Communicative Approach
D.    Non of the above
Ans: A
13. Which one of the following is the international proficiency test for non-native English speakers?
B.     IELTS
C.     TKT
14. Who conducts TKT?
A.    British Council
B.     Oxford University
C.     Cambridge
D.    Non of the above
            Ans: C
15.Band 4 in TKT stands for
A.    Limited knowledge on content area
B.     Basic and systematic knowledge
C.     Breadth and depth of knowledge
D.    Extensive knowledge
16.The ability to refection an action to engage in a process of continuous learning is called______
A.    Implicitly Learning
B.     Experimental Learning
C.     Reflective Practice
D.    Critical Reflection
Ans: C
17. Communicative Testing focus on
A.    Communicative competence
B.     Weakness/failure of students
C.     Linguistic competence
D.    A & C
Ans: A
18. Which of the following  domain  denotes the ‘attitude of self’
A.    Cognitive
B.     Affective
C.     Psychomotor
D.    All of the above
Ans: B
19. What  is the validity period of  IELTS certificate ?
A.    1 year
B.     3years
C.     5 years
D.    2 years
20. Richard Bandler and John Grinder are the exponents of
A.    CBLT
B.     ILM
C.     NLP
D.    TBLT
Ans: A
21. What is the goal of cooperative learning?
A.    Develop interacting  ability of learners
B.     Develop problem solving ability
C.     A&C
D.    Non of the above
Ans: A
22.Which gives importance to the usage of language rather than the knowledge about language ?
A.    TPR
B.     TBLT
C.     CLL
D.    CBLT
23. In Neuro- Linguistics Programming ‘Neuro’ represents
A.    Nervous system
B.     Nervous system and brain
C.     Thoughts
D.    Feelings
Ans: B
24.___________ is a set of assumptions describing the nature of teaching.
A.    Method
B.     Technique
C.     Strategy
D.    Approach
Ans: D
25. In ‘Learner centered education’ 
A.    Focus of instruction is on teacher
B.     Focus of instruction is n learner
C.     A& B
D.    None of the above
Ans: A
26.’Multimodal learning’ is the representation of ___________
A.    Single modality
B.     Same modalities
C.     Different modalities
D.    None of the above.
Ans: C
27. ______________is an education program that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods.
A.    Synchronous learning
B.     Networked learning
C.     Blended Learning
D.    None of the above
Ans: C
28. Online tutoring is the process of tutoring in , or networked environment
A.     Online environment
B.     virtual environment
C.      networked environment
D.    All of the above
Ans: D
29. Post –method is
A.    Knowledge oriented
B.     Suitable for novice teachers
C.     Focusing on ‘reflective teaching’
D.    Works on surface level.
Ans: C
30. Which test provide globally recognized certificate for teaching?
B.     TOEFL
C.     TOEIC
D.    TKT
Ans: D
31. A seminar conducted over the internet is
A.    Webcasting
B.     Webinar
C.     Web conferencing
D.    All of the above
Ans: B
32. Post-method pedagogy emphasizes on
A.    Teacher experience
B.     Theoretical knowledge
C.     Both A& B
D.    Neither A nor B
Ans: C
33.Who is the proponent of Universal grammar?
A.    Edward Sapir
B.     Noam Chomsky
C.     Charles Pierce
D.    Benjamin Whorf
Ans: B
34. Who is the author of "Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching," ?
A.    Dr. C.J Dodson
B.     Curran
C.     Kumaravadivelu
D.    Gattengo
Ans: C
35. ‘Whole Language’ emphasizes that children should focus on
A.    Independent instruction
B.     Interactive instruction
C.     Meaning and Strategy instruction
D.    Experimental instruction.
Ans: C
36.CBLT is characterized as
A.    Task oriented
B.     Based on learning outcome
C.     Based on task outcome
D.    All of the above
Ans: B
37. Models of teaching consists of
A.    Focus
B.     Syntax
C.     Social system
D.    All of the above.
38. Who is the proponent of Advance Organizer Model?
A.    Bruner
B.     Asutin
C.     Goodnow
D.    Ausubel
Ans: D
39. “There never was and never will be a method for all” –this is a famous quotation by
A.    Antony Barger
B.     Noam Chomsky
C.     David Nunan
D.    Ausubel
Ans: C
40.The pioneer of  ‘E-Learning’ is
A.    Allan Paivio
B.     Bernard Luskin
C.     W.L Johnson
D.    Watson
Ans: B


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